How To Choose The Right Exterior Paint Color

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Choosing the right exterior paint colors could be a rather daunting task. Some people tend to hire professionals not only to paint the exterior part of the house, but also to choose the proper colors, because a wrong choice could prove to be a rather huge expense. Choosing the right color is so frustrating and complicated that there are classes and seminars that offer people the chance to get a feel of how their house would look in different shades, patterns and colors.

What should you consider when picking exterior paint colors?

First of all you need to check the colors of the surrounding area. Even if you want to stand out, choosing a color that doesn’t match the neighboring houses is not a good idea. You don’t need to choose a color that matches the surrounding completely, but it is recommended to avoid options that clash. You should also consider the natural surroundings. If you are close to a forest you should choose something that goes well with dark green. If you are close to the sea, you should avoid dark colors and shades, because they would make your house look really weird.

Consider the climate. You must choose the colors that make your house look better for the greater part of the year. If you are in a snowy area, you need to avoid white and opt for a color that would perk your exterior up.

Exterior paint colors are great ways to express your personal taste and style, however, it is recommended to choose something that is relatively conventional. Do not choose something too extravagant or kitschy, because painting over it can be too expensive. Choose the color you can live with for long and choose something you love. Following trends may not be a great idea when it comes to the exterior part of your house. What looks great on one house may not on another.

Consider the prospect and the size. If you are fond of a particular color you should always try to imagine how it would be covering a large area. Sometimes even our favorite colors and shades look pretty overwhelming when in large areas. Some colors are maybe warm when applied on one or two small walls, but could be really attacking when they are en mass.

Going conventional doesn’t mean going dull. If you do not want to make your house look like everyone else’s around you can try to break the color up. Combine two or three different colors that match, spice up a dull color with few nicely appointed additions and try to create a unique ensemble choosing a different color for the shutters or the entrance door.

Sometimes colors give us more options than we can think we have, provided that we are creative and open minded enough.

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